Embracing the Real Turkey, A Personal Reflection

Embracing the Real Turkey, A Personal Reflection
I’ve just arrived home safely and have been reflecting on my time in Turkey. I’m honestly blown away by how incredible this country is—and at the same time, I’m feeling a bit sad about the misconception many people in the U.S. have about Turkey and its people.
What I experienced was the complete opposite of what most might expect. The people in Turkey are peaceful, warm, and incredibly eager to connect. They come from all different religious backgrounds, living together in harmony. Everywhere I went, people were excited to meet Americans! They wanted to practice their English, share their amazing food, and welcome us with genuine hospitality. It wasn’t just politeness—they truly wanted to get to know us. Turkey is filled with kindness and a deep sense of connection.
Being in Istanbul, right on the Bosphorus, was one of the most awe-inspiring moments of the trip. For those who don’t know, the Bosphorus is where two continents—Asia and Europe—literally meet. It’s mind-blowing to be in a city where history and culture from both sides of the world have blended together for centuries. Istanbul is alive with this energy—it’s called the “meeting point of the world,” and you can feel that as you walk through the streets. It’s a place where cultures collide in the most beautiful and peaceful way.
Then we headed to Bodrum and the Turkish Riviera, and let me tell you—this place could rival the French Riviera any day! It’s stunning. The scenery is jaw-dropping, the weather is perfect, and the people were so kind and welcoming. The whole area has this vibrant energy, with gorgeous views, shopping, dining—all in picturesque locations. And here’s the kicker: your money goes so much further than in places like the French Riviera, without losing an ounce of luxury. Parts of Bodrum even feel like Greece, with beautiful whitewashed buildings and that coastal charm. I was just blown away.
And then Cappadocia… This place is so much more than the hot air balloons everyone associates with it (although the balloons are pretty amazing when the weather allows!). Even though we couldn’t do a balloon ride, I was absolutely captivated by what Cappadocia has to offer. One of the most surreal and emotional experiences was stepping into the underground cities, where entire communities lived their lives centuries ago. These underground labyrinths were built to protect people from invasions, and walking through them felt like I was uncovering a hidden world frozen in time. It was overwhelming to think about how families carried out their daily lives in these tunnels and vast rooms—cooking, praying, making wine, and just surviving. There’s a sense of resilience and history in every corner, and being able to witness that firsthand left me in awe. It wasn’t just seeing the past—it was feeling it.
We explored ancient cave churches that still have art and frescoes from the 8th to 11th centuries. Standing there, seeing those drawings up close, and imagining the people who made them centuries ago—it really struck me on a deep, emotional level. It felt like being transported back in time. 
And speaking of wine, Turkey as a whole has an incredible wine scene that’s so underrated. Cappadocia has evidence of wineries in the underground cities, but that’s just a piece of the country’s rich winemaking history. Regions like Thrace, the Aegean, and Anatolia are producing wines that are winning international awards. From crisp whites to bold reds, the diversity of Turkish wine is something I was so excited to learn about—and honestly, more people should be talking about it!
One of the most heartwarming aspects of my trip was witnessing the deep love and respect the Turkish people have for animals. Stray dogs and cats are common throughout the cities, but what really struck me was how well they are cared for. You’ll often see bowls of food and water left out for them in public spaces, and many locals take it upon themselves to ensure these animals are safe and healthy. It’s clear that pets hold a special place in the hearts of the people here, and their compassion extends to all creatures. Seeing this genuine kindness towards animals added an extra layer of warmth to my experience in Turkey.
I’m beyond grateful to The Travel Box International for bringing me to Turkey and giving me the chance to experience this incredible country firsthand. This trip reminded me why I love travel so much—there’s no better way to shift your perspective, learn, and grow than by exploring the world. It’s the ultimate form of education and connection, and I’m so happy to be in an industry that helps others discover this too.
We’ve got an amazing partner in Turkey who can make anything happen, so if this sparked your curiosity, I’d love to help you experience the real Turkey for yourself.
There’s so much more I can’t wait to share—photos, videos, and stories from this beautiful trip—but for now, I’m just feeling incredibly lucky to have had this experience. Thanks for reading!

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